How to still feel full but eat less.

Posted: November 30, 2010 in Uncategorized

Thanksgiving again, just gives that wonderful feeling of being full.  I love that feeling of feeling full, it feels nice to feel like I’m stuffed and I had plenty to eat.  Sometimes maybe during school or even at home you eat the worst for for you.  Like eating some panda express or having ramen noodles and esstenially eating so much till you almost feel your stomach being over flowed.  So I asked  myself “how can I get the same feeling of being full but eating better food”.  Some ideas that I thought would be great is to consume more water; the water would take volume within my stomach and my brain will then tell me I can no consume anymore.  Another suggestion is to wait 20mins after a meal, because that is how long it takes stomach to tell your brain that you are full.  I looked up the reason why you feel full after 20 mins is because when a person usually eats quickly the food piles within the stomach and the digestion is much slower.  Your brain knows when your full when the digestion is in contiunes working mode.  So when your eating slowly the stomach starts to digest a lot earlier and sends signals to the brain faster.  Hwere are some tips i had found on this website:

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    High volume foods are foods that have high concentrations of water and fiber while still retaining nutritional value. Good examples of high volume foods are fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods such as oatmeal and wheat bran. Because of their high fiber and water content, they promote a sensation of feeling full without adding additional calories. As a bonus, these foods are also high in nutritional content which means you’ll be getting the vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy antioxidants you need despite cutting back on calories. Try eating a large plate of salad with a light dressing before your meal and you’ll feel satisfied with less food when the main entrée arrives.

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    Increase Your Protein Intake. 

    A new study published online by the British Journal of Nutrition shows that when people start their day with healthy protein sources, they tend to feel full and satisfied throughout the day. Not only did the amount and quality of protein make a difference in this study, the fact that it was consumed at breakfast seemed to be important in promoting satiety. This would suggest that starting the day with eggs, lean bacon, or other high protein sources may be the key to avoiding those mid-morning high carb binges that can wreck havoc with even the best weight loss intentions. When it comes to feeling full, starting the day with a good breakfast and consuming protein in the morning appear to be key to avoiding feeling hungry and deprived.

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    Add Smart Snacks. 

    Although snacking sometimes earns a bad reputation due to its association with overindulging, eating two healthy snacks throughout the day can help to keep your total calorie intake down by preventing bingeing and overeating at mealtime. The key is to choose your snacks wisely and limit how much you eat. A great way to restrict portions is to buy pre-portioned, one-hundred calorie snack packs you can drop into your purse or tote to take to work. This will ensure that you won’t overindulge by mindlessly eating more than you intended. You can even make your own hundred calorie snack packs by weighing your snack and placing hundred calorie portions into resealable plastic bags. Select whole grain snacks such as popcorn or low sugar, whole grain cereal for your snack packs rather than ones with high sugar loads. Nuts such as almonds and pecans also make healthy, satisfying snack choices.

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    Chew Peppermint Gum. 

    A quick and simple way to curb your tendency to eat more than you should at a meal is to pop a piece of peppermint gum into your mouth. The cool, clean taste will reduce your desire to eat and leave you feeling full and satisfied. Carry a pack of sugarless peppermint gum with you when you go to restaurants to avoid ordering that high calorie dessert.

  • Read more: How to Feel Full While Eating Less Calories |

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